Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Mid January in Wiang Sa

Hello to all of my devoted familyees. After much confusion and chaos over Dads heart, he rests well and unharmed; slightly higher medicated. Thank God he is OK he has given much in his life and I love him.

I have experienced much in Thailand over the course of the last few months and have gotten used to several different facts. First of which is that Americans are very picky over what they eat, I am glad for this. Although I am less picky now, as I realized last night that I was casually snacking on cow, or pork, intestines, liver and all the other inexpensive parts of animals that make your breath smell rancid, I cant wait to eat a nice big juicy steak when I get back home with my family in March; hold the organs. The picturesque scenery of the wonderful little village that I live in has given way to even more wonderful surprises. Again, while snaking on organs, my Friend Payoon [40 years old] gave me his watch; this watch having been given to him by a prominent doctor in Nan city, as well as an important social figure for the town. The wonderful unselfish nature of my Friend here in Wiang Sa will be difficult to say goodbye to. However, I must digress, for, like so many other times, I ,must be off to another country, maybe a new continent. I am planning for Latin America, however, I may wind up staying in Asia perhaps Japan, or Korea (South of course).

I Love you all

1 comment:

Holly Pendleton said...

Ooohhhh, that sounds gross!

If you come see us, we'll be sure to accomodate your need for some really good muscle (i.e. steak) -- maybe even buffalo, if you want it!
